Hello there! I’m Tyler.
Let’s talk.

For the last ten years or so I have been working with folks to help them better understand themselves. It’s a first step toward helping them connect with others in authentic and meaningful ways. I have a natural gift for rapport and am innately curious about people and how they see themselves. I’m fond of exploring and deconstructing the roles we craft for ourselves throughout our lives. Most especially the roles that society and “normalcy” thrust upon us.
I was born in the US, but live in beautiful Berlin, Germany full time now. This doesn’t mean I don’t get around, though! I’m an adept and excited world traveller. I believe that travel is one of the last great eye-openers we enjoy as adults after college. I love travelling with a partner, or having an excuse to visit a new or favorite city for a night or an extended stay.

Upcoming Travel
Here are some places I’ll be soon. I’d love to catch up if you plan to be nearby.
Growing up in New York City, I studied art history and graphic design at a top art school. I also spent a semester working and studying at the Sorbonne in Paris. I knew then that Europe would eventually be my home, but I hold a burning affection for New York in my heart. The best thing the city ever taught me was how to fit in with almost any crowd, anywhere.
I am tall and athletic and enjoy a regular fitness regimen of cardio exercise, weight lifting, and extended visits to gym saunas and steam rooms. I’ve met some of the best people and had some of the best conversations about life and philosophy in the unpretentious and exposed heat of a sauna. I don’t drink or smoke, but don’t mind if you do.
My days are often spent writing and thinking about sex and sexuality. I maintain a (very NSFW) blog about things I enjoy, and things I think deserve a deeper examination. I’m also active on Twitter and Instagram and you might get a fuller picture of who I am by following me there.
In person I am warm and confident. I enjoy sincere physical affection and holding space for others to feel comfortable and safe. I’m blessed to have an incredible career and am so pleased to invite you to learn more.
Waiting to know you,

From here on out, it gets a little bit less safe for work…
I always encourage safer web behavior when engaging with any site you don’t know yet. Consider opening an Incognito or Private tab in your browser. That way anything you learn from here forward won’t remain in your history or cache. You’ll find lots more privacy and security advice here, too.
From Somewhere Else
Doctor Who is the perfect reference for Tyler. Time definitely doesn’t behave like it does with anyone else. Being around Tyler is like being around somebody from somewhere else. I don’t know anybody else like him and that’s the best compliment I can imagine. He’s like a magic visitor who comes into your life to make it better and then goes on to the next adventure.

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